Ares Jokes

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Are you kidding feminists can’t change anything

This is how my mom always threatens me: I brought you into this world, I can bring you out of it too. That's why I only have 2 siblings left.

I wonder where the bodies are?

What's a similarity between The Ark of the Covenant, The Holy Grail and a bunch of 12 year olds?

They are all locked in the Priest's basement.

Hitler visits a lunatic asylum. The patients give the Hitler salute. As he passes down the line he comes across a woman who Isn’'t saluting. “Why are you not saluting like the others?” Hitler barks. “"Mein Führer, I’m the nurse," she responds "I’m not crazy!”


the difference between dark jokes and morbid is

dark jokes are 10 babies in 1 trash can and

morbid jokes are 1 baby in 10 trash cans

Old man goes to the doctor. The doctor says "The test results are back, and I'm sad to say you have cancer and Alzheimer's.". The old man says "Phew! At least it's not cancer!"


I started debating whether or not suicide is a good option, self harm just hasn’t been cutting it lately.

To whoever you are, you are loved.

😳 🤔 ☎️ ☎️ ☎️ What do you call 📞 📞 📞 a gay man that is not physically handicapped that performs blowjobs on gay men 👬 👨 👨that are physically handicapped? caregiver 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

A man is sitting on a bench at a playground where children are playing while a man named Chris comes up and asks “which one is yours?” The man said “I don’t know i’m still deciding.”