Joke 1) 9/11 Was Such A Tragedy... Two Drunk People Drove A Plane Into A Building
Joke 2) If 6-2=4 Why Is There No More Towers
Joke 3) Is it a bird? is it a plane? Whatever it is it’s heading straight for the World Trade Center
These nine kids were being bullied by these 10 guys in an alley. So, I thought I would help.
It was 9/11 all over again.
What's good about 9/11? It helped solve the world's overpopulation issue.
what did the south tower say to the north tower it said: nothing
9/11 joke
Why were the people during 9/11 mad because they ordered pepperoni sandwiches, but they got two planes?
I'll always remember my Dad's last words before he died on 9/11...
Allahu Akbar!
C'mon guys, 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong.