
Wife Jokes

If your wife says: “what would you most like to do to my body?”, “identify it” is the wrong answer.

I just came across my wife’s Tinder profile and I’m so angry about her lies. She is not “fun to be around”.

Me: a lot of things changed since I got my wife pregnant. Friend: like what? Me: my name, my address, my phone number...

Top tip; if your wife asks "what would you like to do to my body?" 'identify it' is the wrong answer

My wife and I watched The Perfect Murder together. Excellent movie, but what disturbed me though was my wife constantly taking notes.

A pregnant wife and her husband were in a hospital as she was in labour, the doctor suggested using a machine that transfers the birth pains from the mother to the father, they agree so the machine is used, 40%, the husband feels nothing, 70% still not felling anything, 100%, nothing. The doctor says it must be broken. When the pair return home, the milkman is dead in the front yard.

i was digging in a garden once a found a chest full of gold i wanted to show my wife but then i thought why i was digging in the first place

My wife is a whore so I pimped her out and broke her mentally and emotionally, taught her a good lesson of being a real woman loyal to her man, end of story you women are bitches

My wife said she wanted to leave me she said it’s because of the abuse but really she’s the one abusing herself by drinking alcohol and got positioning the next day this shows almost half of the woman’s population is weak both physical and mentally

My wifes always nagging me, you dont let me have any friends, i abuse her and im always coming back late, so i thought i would treat her, i popped up in the attick and introduced her to two women.

My wife said why oh why have you ordered carpet, our house is lovely

Thank fully the carpet was put to good use in the end, no more stupid comments coming from a rolled up emily in the bottom of the ocean

My indian wife said last night if her fanny would taste like vindaloo curry, i said ive smelt your fucking armpits youve got no chance