
Wheelchair Jokes

What is the difference between a human and human rights act and a walk home and walk walk home from home and walk walk home and a wheelchair to wheelchair and wheelchair to wheelchair for wheelchair 🦽 home 🏠 night time to a home 🏠 was fun at home 🏠 night was the day I had dinner 🍴 is it fun for me I was going to be a walk walk home and walk walk home from school and walk walk home from school and walk walk home from home and walk walk home from school and walk walk home 🏠 night time

A man in a wheelchair and his friend were walking down the street Man in Wheelchair: * falls out of wheelchair* Friend: Are you okay? Man in Wheelchair: I can't feel my legs

What is the difference between a magic house 🏠 and a human? A magic house 🏑 can fly and a human can not fly