
Terms Jokes

Someone at school judged my grammar.

I judged theirs by the terms "school" and "rifle range" being mixed up the next day.

Why won't Trump be subject to impeachment?

Answer: Because Republicans in Congress insist that every baby be brought to full term!

Satanism is such an ugly word. I prefer the term, "red skin appreciation."

I was asking people who knew Trump if he would win a second term. Stormy said, "No way, he doesn't have two in him!"

If I ever stuff up a post, please let me be. I do have ADHD, short-term memory disorder, and dyscalculia, so please remember that no one likes to be picked on for things that they can't control.

Q. What is the biggest lie in the entire universe?

A. “I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.”

I walked up to a group of moms having a conversation while waiting to pick up their kids from day care. They were using cutesy words like "ankle biters", "rug rats," and other terms I've heard parents use before when describing their toddlers.

I thought I'd chime in; as it turns out, "carpet muncher" doesn't mean what I thought it does.

Imagine if Joe Biden was elected for a second term.

He would be the first president to be assassinated by a slick bathtub.