
Sword Jokes

Yo mama is so ugly, even the ugliest person in the world looked like a sword standing next to her.

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel attached to his dick.

The bartender asks him why.

And the pirate says:

"Argh, It's driving me nuts."


Why do Pirates say "Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"?

First time out at sea, they prepare for battle and say to their commander:

"The canons be ready, Captain!"

"Are," says the Captain (correcting their grammar).

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!" they all exclaimed!

I've patched 1,000 roofs and they don't call you Boris the roof patcher, I've built 100,000 sword and shields and they don't call you Boris the blacksmith but you fuck one goat.