What do you call an emo strip club?
Suicidal Thots.
Why did the emo leave the bar?
Because it was happy hour.
Why did Hitler never go to a strip club?
He hated the Poles.
I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
When you find out the stripper your banging is a hooker but you're saving money so it's ok
Two Asians walked into a strip club and they went to a cashier. They put in their names: her name was He Gay and his name was Shi A Ho.
Joke: I went to a paraplegic strip club the other day, the place was crawling with pussy.
What is a terrorist's DJ name?
Osama Spin Laden Dropping beats like the twin towers!
Rapboat has to drug his own drink to get laid.
I once went to the bar for a pint, but the strippers their didn't have that much breast milk.
What's the difference between a club and a bar?
I can only get dead hookers from the club alleyways.
jill went up to a bar to play a game of pool then jack came in and asked jill if she wanted to ride in his new car she said i have to think then jack said at least let me by you a drink after 5 drinks he asked again this time she said yes so they got in the car and jack and jill roed up a hill to to jacks home then jack said (close your eiys i got a supries )so jack lead jill to his room then said open your ies so jill opend her iese then jack got them some red wine jack got drunk and unzipped his fly and jack said i know you wana she said no way so jack gave her one more drink then she passed out then jack ripped all his close off then he did the same to jill then he did it till 3am