Yo mama so ugly that when the Koolaid Man busted through her wall, he said “Oh no!”
I saw a fat woman at the bus stop today So I asked her, "when's it due?" She replied, "I'm not fucking pregnant you rude prick!" I said, "I meant the bus you fat cunt"
Your earlobes are so big, you can fit your mom inside of them 5000 times and still have room for more!
Why are Americans so bad Clash Royal? Because they already lost two towers
Your sister: You're so ugly.
Me: But we look the same, so who's also ugly?
Your mum so ugly she could make a onion cry
Yo mama is so fat, she jumped into the air and got stuck!
My girlfriend broke up with me so I stole her wheelchair gusse who came crawing back
Yo mama so fat, when she made a joke, only one person laughed at it: the pavement. It was absolutely cracking up!
You want to get her pregnant before marriage to know if she's fertile, so why not marry a single mother that already has proof?
Your mom is so fat. She starts the alphabet with the letter o for obesity hahaha
Why were the Twin Towers so good at football? They were the best wide receiver of their time!
My sis told me that onions are the only food that can make you cry...
So I threw a coconut at her.
My mom told me that Africans don't have food, so I shipped my fat ass brother
Yo mama so fat of she turned into food she could solve world hunger
What so depressed teenagers and fruits have In common? They both Hang by something
Your mummy is so tall, she uses the Eiffel Tower as a dildo.
If you text your crush and they leave you on read, just know that "read" has four letters. You know what also has four letters? "Mine." So that basically means that you are theirs. :)
Your mama's so fat that she can’t even talk, even if Kevin says, "Oh my gosh!" 'cause she has a big ass mouth.
I have a lot of money, but I don't waste it.
So people call me poor until they see my bank account.