Why does a orphan go to a sewer So it can wash up
Why did Adele cross the road? To say hello from the other side
(Omg omg literally dislike im so cringe)
Two teenagers were raping an 11 year old girl in an ally, so I stepped into help. The little bitch didn’t stand a chance against the three of us.
yo mama is so fat that her wheelchair had to be made into a couch
Yo mama so fat that when she went into a crowd wearing a blue shirt everyone yelled tsunami!
People shoulde build orphanages next to grave yards so at leats orphans can see their parents
yo mama so fat Donald trump himself tried to use her as his border wall in 2016
Yo mama so fat when she went to the bed the house shook
yo mama so stupid your mama thinks that vr is real life.
Yo mama is so ugly, that her portraits hang themselves
yo momma is so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing
your forehead is so big it gets home 50 min before you do
Yo mama is so ugly that Rick Astley gave her up
Yo mama is so fat she gave a memory foam mattress Alzheimer's
Your mom so poor, she chased the garbage truck with her grocery list
Yo mama is so retarded they tell her it was gonna be chilly outside she went and got a bowl
yo mama so fat that when she sits on the beach she sinks!
Yo mama so fat when she goes to the dentist they make her lay face down.
Yo mama so stupid she tried to fill her car with Vin Diesel
Why are Indians so good at football? Each time they get a corner they open a shop.