Why is 6 scared of 7 Because 7 8 9
I went into a dark basement with a flashlight, but then it died, but I was not scared, I was actually delighted.
A man and a boy are walking into a forest. It begins to get dark. The boy says "Mister, I'm scared." The man replies "How do you think I feel, I have to walk back alone."
if stephen hawking was in a horror movie .... would he make his robot try and shout “aaaaaaaaah help me , i can’t move i’m too scared” ???
Are guys scared of the word Choppiness Because it is literally saying (chop-penis)
A scare crow got promoted because he was outstanding in his field
I'm happy that i named my dog i know what you did. Its funny to see how much people get scared when i call him.
Why was 6 scared of 7? Because 7 was a registered six offender
We all know the joke: Why is 6 scared of 7? Because 7 8 9 But do you know why 9 is scared of 7? Because you are supposed to eat 3 square meals a day. (3 squared)
why was 6 scared of 7
answer 7 8 9
So, a guy is walking with a young boy into the woods.
Boy: "Hey mister, it's getting dark out and I'm scared!"
Man: "How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone!"
Chuck Norris has a bear rug in his living room. It's not dead or anything, it's just too scared to nove
A pedophile and a little boy are walking into the woods late at night.
The little boy says, "I'm scared."
The pedophile says, "You think you're scared? I have to walk back alone!"
Why don't blind people skydive? -- Because it scares their dogs too much!
Chuck Norris doesn't flush the toilet.
He scares the shit out of it.