
Orphan Jokes

I was at the beach today, and there was a big wave. Somebody went, damn that crashed harder than the twin towers. Jack may have survived the towers, but not the crash

Timmy: stupid motherfucker Jimmy: wow, do you kiss your mother with that mouth Timmy: starts crying Jimmy: ah fuck I did it again

Orphan: wanna have a sleepover Friend: but your an orphan. Orphan: just wanted a place to sleep tonight

Friend: what are you doing me: putting peanut butter on my balls. Friend hears in the distance, orphans I have food for you

Who come when a orphan gets married, they are allowed back in family restaurants but when i go in alone I'm not allowed. I have some parents for god's sake

Orphan goes into a bar and the bartender says im sorry u need parent peemission to enter