What’s the difference between a onion and a viola? No one cries when they cut up the viola
Being in a band without a pencil is as easy as reading snare drum music.
What's the diffrence between a piano,a pot of glue and a tuna fish? You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna. What about the glue? I knew youd get stuck there
Why was the piano waiting at the front door?
Because it forgot which key to use!
What kind of instrument is always having to go potty?
A pee-ano/piano.
A man walks into a bar with his pet octopus and proudly claims the animal can play any musical instrument. The bartender pulls out a guitar from behind the bar and gives it to the octopus, which plays an amazing solo. Just then a Scotsman walks into the bar with a set of bagpipes. The octopus grabs the instrument and wrestles around with it on the ground, flailing about, making a horrible sound. The bartender says, "Hey, looks like he can't play that!" and the octopus says, "Play it? As soon as I get it's pajamas off, I'm gonna fuck it!"
*Tibia* honestly I think the reason I’m *bonely* is because you guys don’t find my jokes *humerus* ...... maybe if I played the *trombone* it would get people’s attention but *tibia* honest I can’t be bothered so one just look at my *BONE-zai* tree, although my brother doesn’t really like that one so how about a *S-pine* tree
Have you heard the joke about the sheep, drum, and snake? "Baa" "dumm" "tsss"
"So you dropped my instruments on stage?"
"It was only the Bass!"
My favorite instrument? The TromBONE, of course.
My grandma refused to be an organ donor. She was buried with all her musical instruments.
What's the difference between tuna, a piano and glue? -- You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna.
According to a recent survey, replacing words with the names of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected.