
Music Jokes

Michael Jackson and Kelly Clarkson both did shady stuff to children. Michael Jackson said that there is nothing wrong with sharing a bed with unrelated small children. Kelly Clarkson said that there is nothing wrong with physically beating a small child.

The thing is, though, only one of them made "Billie Jean" or "Beat It", and the other is just a typical karaoke country singer. So no surprise people gave Wacko Jacko a pass.

Who gets more dick, straight male rap fans or straight male swifties? Answer: Straight male rap fans, because there’s no such thing as a straight male swiftie.

What’s the difference between swifities and rap fans? One rap fan has a higher IQ than every swiftie combined.

If I had a dollar for every time a rap hater made an intelligent statement, I’d be more broke than the rap haters.

I wasn't going to tell another emo joke, but I didn't want to leave anyone hanging.

The teacher made us present a slideshow to introduce ourselves. Mine is bright and colorful with music. It was so good that a kid started dancing!