Morbid jokes

Morbid Jokes

" Why is it that Orphans only play tennis" That's the only love they can get"...

Pinocchio goes to the doctor for a checkup. When he gets there the doctor asks him “Do you have cancer?” Pinocchio replies, “That was very straight up, but, no I’m pretty sure I don’t have cancer.” After saying this, his nose grew.

Did you know that statistically, 1 in 10 people live next to a pedophile? Not me though, I live next to a 10 year old boy with a fat ass.


My mom is the jelly and my dad is the peanut butter And I am the bread the only thin keeping them together.


My gf dumped me so I took her wheel chair

Guess who came crawling back

Q. Whats the difference between a normal kid and a emo kid A. One has Functioning neck