What do you call a cow that lives in Africa? Moo-fasa!
It's amazing how many things ryme with blue.
Blue, sue, stew, poo, screw, new, boo, do, rue, glue, you, to, too, flew, you, goo, zoo, two, moo, woo, ooh, blew...
knock knock whos there inturrupting cow inturrupting MOO!
Teacher: What does a cow say?
Susie: Moo.
Teacher: Good. Now what does a duck say?
Jimmy: The duck goes quack.
Teacher: Now what does a pig say?
Little Jonny: A pig says, "Get up against the wall, you black motherfucker!"
Why does a cow love music Because it can play a moo- sical instruments
Knock knock who’s there key key who key moo
Cow A: I slept with your sister!
Cow B: Never knew my brother was a girl!
All the other cows:
Stop making moo jokes, they're so annoying!
what do you call a cow that fell?
Ground beef.
What do you call a cow with no toes?
Lac-toes intolerant.
What did the bee say to the other bee?
What's a cow's favourite war?
World War Moo
What does a cow say when he remembers something?
"I have deja moo!"
How did the cow break up with the other cow? He said he moo-ved on.
What’s the point in a cow going to the cinema? To be a-moo-sed!
Two cows standing in a paddock, one says, "Moo." The other turns to him and says, "I was just going to say that!"
Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? They were always saying "Bach, Bach, Bach". And his cows preferred Moo-zak.
What did the cow say to the farmer? Moo away.
What does a cow sound like when in a horror house
Moo mooo moooooooo(screaming)