If your ever bored just bully an orphan, what are they gonna do? Cry to their mama and father?
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
Yo Mama is so huge when she was bone everyone died
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
I was siting in class when my theacher said have any questions the SUSpenDID Class clown said whos joe so teach said joe who so the clown said joe mama so i said what in the BALLS so i ended up stay in detention with the clown ah so cozy
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.