KFC Jokes

Wanted to go to the zoo, it was too packed so I went to KFC instead, their monkey enclosure is better anyway

What’s the difference between KFC and a woman on her period? One’s finger-licking good and the other is just a fast food restaurant.

Why is the chicken that crossed the road a cannibal? Because he went to KFC.

Person 1 " I love KFC" Person 2 "yeah, me too!" Person 1 " How many have you gotten?" Person 2 " How am I supposed too remember how many buckets of chicken I have ordered!?" Person 1 " Chicken? What chicken, what do you think KFC stands for?" Person 2 "? Kentucky Fried Chicken?" Person 1 " What? I thought it meant kidnapping foster children." Person 2 " BLOODY WHATT??"

You momma's so fat she started fat lives matter .. meetings are everyday 11 o clock mcdonalds 12 o clock kfc 1 o'clock pizza Hut

the sad thing is when they ride the scooters in wal mart.....really you declining to walk is what got your fat ass in that scooter to begin with.....and damned if they arent buying diet soda.....please....cull this shit...we dont need them in society...kfc is not a disease