
Join Jokes

Little Johnny walked into his parents room to see them going at it.He asked his mom what they were doing and she said uh were play fighting and he's like with no clothes on and she said yeah and so he said let me join you then...

Why should a feminist never join the United Auto Workers, UAW? Because the only thing that a feminist would do in the United Auto Workers, UAW is lick pussy all day in the woman's restroom

yo mama so stupid she joined the squid game as a sea life lover bc she thought it was a game of whoever catches the most octopuses wins

Why does the Jedi never join the darkside? If they did then they would lose the opportunity to molest young padawans.

THE ORPHANS ALL DIED!!! oh wait, no one cares.. THEIR PARENTS ARE ALL DEAD ANYWAY, we are just making them happier, they get to join their parents in hell

Hey guys. so we have a friend group and we need followers and people! so so far its me and royal. if you want to join just comment why and your in unless people have reasons to not want you!

I AM SFLUGO FOUNDER OF THE PRO ORPHAN JOKE CLUB. Just want to say that people spamming does notjing and we will keep making our jokes!! #SaveOrphanJokes and please say in the comments if you want to join the club

hiii everyone i heard from many people that they want to join the stop orphan jokes group who wants to?