The annoying orange told the annoying, insecure, beta bitch orange that he wants to be the most annoying thing on Earth again.
Why can't I get a girlfriend?
Because I'm a beta male simp.
"White beta males and fake alpha males are a joke that goes for POC men too."
Life is a bitch and people make it worse This Thing that I'm in ("am") is a Forsaken curse (beta)
Join my beta communication community committee commission Cumbria, please guys and girls and gurls it's all inclusive b&b.
What do you Call AG? A beta male
Is your tap water running well you
Beta go catch it
Me in 2078 when the COVID-19 delta alpha theta beta cya layta alligayta nlgga chungus sussy deef clussy sussy bussy cunnybrap variant comes out and I need to stay in lockdown for another 2 years with my new mandated virus stopper buttplug 9000
Hey what do you call a beta simp? Me you call me the beta simp
What do you call a weak, beta, tall and dumb kid, A banana. But if you`re vegan you call him food. If you`re poor you eat the skin.
No one will fight me, who is brave and strong enough to beat this beta simp femboy?
Guys I have a dilemma I'm a beta please help!
Fortnite android beta