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How did Steven Hawkins die? He lost internet connection
What Runs Faster Than Stephen Hawking In His Wheel Chair. His Internet
Mÿ pp.
Ooh, I wonder what's on this browser. *clicks* "How to tell your kid they're adopted."
Stephen Hawking didn't die, he just uploaded himself to the 'net...
A husband got a message from his neighbor one day. It read, "Hey, I'm sorry I had to tell you like this but I have been doing your wife for months now." The husband went to go grab his gun and shot his wife. He hid the evidence and a few hours later he got another message from his neighbor saying, "Sorry, meant using your wifi."
Did you hear about the monkeys that share an Amazon account? They were prime mates.
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If you are on here, don’t hate. There will be rude ones, but it doesn’t matter.
When we die we get sent to heaven, but when Stephen Hawking died, he was sent to the cloud.
How does a kid with no arms or legs like a video on YouTube when they say smash the like button?
They literally smash the like button "uuuuuugghghhhgBANG!"
Your mama is so stupid, she bought tickets for Xbox Live.
Hey, you wanna hear something funny
AN atom makes up everything. Half of this site contains this joke. Dont trust the internet kids.
What do Logan Paul, KSI, and the Japanese suicide victim have in common?
I have a penis.
How's that for a fucking joke? It's not a joke. It's terrible.
500 thumbs down and I'll lop off my dick with a razor.
What did Stephen Hawking say when he died?
I'm logging out.