So you know those people that commit suicide by hanging themselves? I guess they lost Hangman.
My sister is the weired dark one and emo of the family im the bright happy one once in 3rd grade i got a huge A on mine and my sis got a D- In the playground Near a tree we were siting and playing i said "hey a C- is not that bad and raised my hand up to give her a high five but she left me hanging
What do emos and a bird nest have in common? They both hang from a tree.
Noose: "Hey man, wanna hang out?"
Corpse: "Sorry man, I'm dead inside."
Patient: where are you taking me, doctor? Doctor: the morgue Patient: hang on! I'm not dead yet! Doctor: and we're not there yet!
Why do emos hang themselves? Because no one wants to hang around them.
What's the difference between a coat hanger and an emo?
Nothing, they both hang.
Why didn't the 6th of Jan go well? Cause the shitty Trump supporters didn't carry out the damn job correctly and let the president down. Also, hang Mike Pence!
rOpe: hEy buddY! wanT to hAng? me: mAYbe i cAn hAnG LaTer... cOCk: can i HaVe attenCioN froM youR dAd nOw?--
The emo kid tried to give me a handshake, Sadly i left him hanging
What did the rope and the tree say to the kid?
Do you want to hang later?
How is a emo kid and a hanging child the same?
Depends on who's hanging
Q: Why did the emo kid get jealous on Xmas?
A: He saw the ornaments hanging.
Please stop hurting people's feelings. Or they'll hang around the house.
If I don't get a bf by the end of this month, Christmas lights won't be the only thing hanging from the roof.
I got detention yesterday because I told the emo kid to "Hang in there."
When there's no piñata at the party, but the emo kid just hung himself.
What would a tree do if a depressed kid tried to high five it
I would leave them hanging
So a kid was hanging out with his mom and this man comes up to him and said, "Hi, I'm your new dad." The kid did not think about it, and then he did and said, "But I already have a dad." The mom said, "That was not your real dad."
I went to a depressed person and said, "Do you wanna hang with me?"