Girls Jokes

whats the difrence between a pregnat girl and a light bulb ... u can un crew a light bulb but u cant un crew a pregnat girl


Why Should I Walk? by Iona Carr

What Lonely Girls Should Do by Seymour Fellowes

Unusual Window Decorations by Rod Curtains

The Long Walk Home by Misty Bus

Race to the Outhouse by Willie Makit and Illustrated by Betty Wont

Having cockroaches in the house is a sign that you've food.

These things are like Ugandan girls, they hate poverty.

A magician walks up to a girl and asks her to feel the rabbit in the magician's hat. The magician asks the girl to rub the rabbit. The girl notices the rabbit sticks up and drools the hat was covering the hips

So two people are on a date and the guy says “wow you are so beautiful” then the girl says “you just want to have sex” then the guy adds “SMART TO!”