I tried to right the shortest joke ever, so I wrote a two word joke, which was Dwarf Shortage. its just so I could pack more jokes into the show.
I got in a car crash with a dwarf one day. He came storming out, and glared at me. I lowered my window and called out "So, I'm guessing you're not happy?".
When dwarfs get high, do they just get medium?
What do you call a dwarf with autism Matthew Michal?
Why do dwarfs work at tesco?Because every little helps!
A dwarf walks into a bar.He ask for a shot of whiskey.The bartender gives him the 🥃 and it turn into a gallon of whiskey.The bartender sees this and takes it back and it turns back into a shot of whiskey.
If i wen't out with a dwarf when i pick them up i'll say "wassup short"
I got introduced to a dwarf at a nudist Colony the other day.
When we shook, the pleasure was all mine.
I don't always like to tell dwarf jokes. But when I do, I like to keep them short.
Why is pluto a dwarf planet
Because it looks like a g- nome
Why do dwarfs suck a cow's udder in stead of being breastfeed because they are too short
Why does a very tall man allow dwarfs to take turns to suck his balls because he is nuts about them
" I walking in the yard yesterday and a bug stepped on me why you ask because the bug didn't know I was there."
its only ok to beat up an dwarf when they walk up to your wife and say your hair smells nice
wats the sound that dwarfs make when they have sex
broken plates
Why are midgets short Caused they are
So I was going out the door and I see me dwarf neighbour at the bus stop, I ask if he needs a lift. He replies with fu.. off. So I zip up my backpack and keep going to work
What can a dwarf do standing up that a tall person can't do standing up perform fellatio
Why don't midgets use tampons?
Answer: They are always tripping over the string.