You know I would make a deaf joke, but I don't think they would hear it.
Why don't you take emo skydiving?
They cut the rope.
Bully: Your mom hates you Orphan: I dont have parents ;)
me: I saw an emo kid that got a haircut today. But instead of saying “Like ya cut g” and slapping the neck. I slapped the wrist and said “Like ya cut’s g”.
Emo kid: He said like your bullet holes G
me: i have no bullet holes
emo kid: not yet you dont
me: ayo what the fuc*
Don't you just hate when you have to eat cereal with water because your dad won't bring the fucking milk? Cause same.
If Will Smith had a revolver and said 'who fucked my wife?' Chris Rock would say "you dont have enough bullets mate"
what did the suicidal kid say to the tree?
don't leave me hanging.
stop telling orphan jokes before they tell there parents o wait they dont have any please continue
why can't orphans be gay?
because they dont have anyone to call daddy.
Yesterday I saw an orphan walking down the street. I asked him if he was ok. He said no, so I asked him if he needed help. And he said yes, so I let him in my car and said, "Don't worry, you'll be home with your parents soon." He said my parents died. I said I know.
When Little Johnny was about 3, he got curious and stuck his hand up a mannequin's pants. His mom says, "No, Little Johnny, there are teeth up there that will bite off your hand." Little Johnny thinks, "Oh no, I can't do that again."
A few years later, he was 15 and he had a girlfriend, and they were making out. She says, "Why don't you ever stick your hand up my pants?" He says, "Oh no, my mom says there are teeth that will bite off my hand up there." She says, "No, there isn't, just look!" Little Johnny looks and says, "Well, no wonder there ain't no teeth. By the way, them gums look..."
If things don't get better, the Christmas lights won't be the only thing hanging.
What's the difference between a dad and an Emo?
They both don't last a while.
Why could not the 11 year old watch the pirate movie?
because it was rated RRRRGGGG.
I am guessing you don't understand :(
Why do gay people get bad grades?
Because they don't get straight A's.
A homeless kid walked up to another kid and said, "I have what you don't." He said, "(Parents)."
And the kid said, "Your right, I do have parents," and walked away.
Me to an orphan: If you had a penny for everyone who loved you, I don't think you'd have any.
The orphan: But why?
Me: Because if someone loved you, they wouldn't have thrown you out.
why does the emo hate christmas the ordamonts get hanged and they dont
God sent a kid to the principal's office for giving a blind kid sunglasses and said, "Don't let the sun damage your eyes!"
A dad is in a wheelchair and his daughter goes, "Don't step on a crack!"