A teaher gives her kindergarden students four flavors of live savers and they have to guess the flavors the students guess cherry lime and orange. They dont know th last flavor. So the teacher gives them and hint and say its what your parents call each other. [honey] But a little girl shouts and says β OMG there assholes.
Why can't the orphan play the game of life? They don't know what a family road trip is. π
Roses are red, I dont know why, Living is hard, I want to die.
One day a snail got robbed by 2 turtles, once the cops arrived and asked what had happened, Snail said "I dont know it all happed to fast"!
i bought shoes from a drug dealer yesterday- i dont know what he laced them with but i was trippen all day
Why arent orphans good at monopoly?
They dont know what a house is
Using modern day technology you can produce music with a Tesla coil. I dont know if you heard it but it is quite shocking and even electrifying. I cant tell if it is metal or techno but it is more vaulable then joules. It really amps up your blood pressure and has you saying watt the whole time. It is way better than current music.
Me-"Whats the difference between an apple and an emo" Friend-"i dont know" Me- an apple actually falls from the tree
What did the little girl with no arms get for Christmas? I dont know, she's still trying to open it...
I asked my orphan friend what his movie is, he said spiderman, no way home. I said "Proabaly becuase its so relatable, right?" He started crying I dont know why.
A man walked into a shop and asked the shop keeper for a potato-clock. The shop keeper said, 'I dont know what a potato clock is' The man said, 'me neither but im starting a new job and my boss told me work starts at 9 so id have to get a potato clock
Why can't oraphans play basball?
because they dont know where home is
what's a towers favorite bagel i dont know but it ant plane
i went to my local shooting range today but was surprised when i saw on the news that there was a school shooting in my shooting range, i dont know who snitched...
What do you call a gay woman? I dont know
me: i did just come home from africa and guess what i saw. friend: i dont know. me: a black market.
What's the difference between dementia and a strawberry? I dont know. I forgot.
one of my students ask "can i have a book mark?"
why cant orphans see all these jokes on this website that were posting? cuz they dont know were the home page is.