I am only here because me no like blues clues lgbtq episode as I don’t believe in that. If you do ok. And it shouldn’t be a month, the month should be for all of the war veterans, it should be a day for pride. Companies only use this month for money it’s exploitation because they don’t truly support unlike me in which I don’t support it
What does LGBTQ+ mean? Is it the premium version of GAY?
What do I call a white person with 15 black kids?
If the teachers tells you stand up if your not gay and there’s that one kid in the wheelchair
"White people can't jump"...
"You must not have seen the twin towers on 9/11."
In India, 3 things are wide and far everywhere, but no one admits: racism, sexism, and Sunny's jism.
There's more genders than there are cars in a walmart parking lot
Hot women with big boobs work at Hooters, but where does a handicap woman work?
So there were kids in the bus and half of them were white and the other half was black, all the kids wanted to sit at the back so the bus driver said to all the kids stop fighting from now on everyone is now green, so the bus driver said to all the kids dark green go to the front and light green at the back.
What do you call Mexicans in a band trying to be a white band?
"Juan Direction."
What does a Jamaican guy say to an Asian? Poke me mon.
There's four people on a roof: a Mexican, an Asian, a black guy, and a white guy. The Mexican walks over to the ledge and says, "This is for my people," and jumps off. The Asian also walks over to the ledge and says, "This is for my people," and jumps off. Then, the black guy walks over to the edge and says, "This is for my people," and pushes the white guy off.
God created everyone unique till he got to Asia then it just went to copy paste copy paste
You know what the yin and yang looked like before Martin King jr?There was none it was all white!
What do you call a bunch of white people in an elevator? A box of crackers.
What do you call a group of ethnically diverse disabled people? Seasoned vegetables.
God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve