Knock knock who’s there dragon deez nuts dragon deez nuts who? DRAGON DEEZ NUTS ALL OVER YOUR FACE
deez nuts eat nuts
what did one nut say to the other nut?
A:candice deez nuts fit in my mouth
Kid amogus backwards SUGOMA DIK
This man came up to me and asked if i could sell my house to him and i said sure then five days later he said that the loan should came in the mailbox then i checked the mail box and the only thing i saw was nothing so i told the guy DEEZ NUTS IN YOUR MOUTH
me: lets go to Randy's friend: theres no Randy's me: ran deez nuts with a car
Knock knock Me, a person : whos there? A : Deez nuts!
Knock knock who is there deez nuts
hamLET deez nuts go into your moueth?? 😂😂😂😂😂
me: what's the fifth month of the year Friend: May me: may deez nuts fit in your mouth
Do you ate chef boyardee's food?
No, why?
Boy are deez nuts so big
What's that Pokemon that evolves into macargo? Slugma slugma dick
Do you know wildee?
What's that?
Willdeeznuts fit into your mouth
me: how do cowboys say hello? Friend: howdy me: how do deez nuts fit in your mouth
Like if u have nuts
a b c deez nuts
Me: Do you like smash? Friend: Smash Rolls? Me: No, Smash DEEZ NUTS! Friend: AHHHHH (*moans)