What’s a vegetable’s favorite dance?
The cabbage patch.
What’s a vegetable’s favorite dance?
The cabbage patch.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Cabbage who?
Cabbage doesn’t have a last name.
McNeill's mom wrote a shopping list for supper:
cabbage _50
Cooking fat -100
She gave McNeill the list to get the ingredients.
McNeill took long to return home from the shopping.
His mom decided to call McNeill to ask why are taking long. McNeill answered, "I have all the ingredients, but I'm looking for total."
Stephen Hawking is intelligent.
He is not as green as he is cabbage.
How can you find out how old a cabbage is?
By looking at its cabbAGE.
(Q) What is the hardest part of a cabbage (A) Wheel chair
How do you know when a cabbage is boiled?
The wheelchair floats to the top.
How can you tell when a cabbage is boiled?
The wheelchair floats to the top.