why can't an orphan build a website, because
it won't have a home page
Imagine working at the World Trade Center only for Osama bin Laden to call and ask if he could crash at your place
why did my dad cross the road.
to get to the nearest building so he wouldn't die in the crippling smoke of the most terrifying and only terrorist attack on american soil
I have a pen I have an Apple um Apple pen The taliban had a plane the US had a building boom 9/11
These jokes have a good build up, but in the end they all come crashing down
What was the Twin Towers favorite game? Jenga
Mcdonalds has a drive through Twin towers has a fly through
I was visiting an orphanage and started to pull in close to the building. My car hit 3 speed bumps and it caught me off guard. I got out of my car, looked under my tire and saw three orphans wedged in my tire. I started to get worried but then I thought to myself... nobody will miss them.
what does the twin towers and school have in common... people jumped off a building to escape it.
What did Osama say after knocking over the twin towers?
He he he haw
What did one tower say to the other damn you looking fly
If a emo kid jumps off a building who would win?
Why did the twin towers complain to the pizza restaurant?... Because they ordered pepperoni pizza and got plain.
You know how there were like...two towers..i had so much fun playing jenga in those planes! I WON!!!!!!!!!!!
What does my family and the twin towers have in common: We both played jenga
Are you a building?
Cuz I rate u 9/11
If a blonde and a brunette jump off a building who would hit the ground 1st? The brunette because the blonde would have to stop and ask for directions! ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️