Who are the fastest readers? The victims of 9/11. They went through 87 stories in 10 seconds.
The best football game was the Jets against the Twin Towers.
why did the romans build stright roads so the pachy bastards didny build corner shops
Q: Why can't pilots play Jenga?
A: Because they will just hit the Twin Towers.
What do you say to a guy with Down syndrome who’s on top of a sky scraper? "Jump!"
Tried making 9/11 jokes, but none of it kept falling apart.
9/11 is like me after im finished with my lego house. I destroy it 😄🤣
Children in the Twin Towers be like: "Look, Mum, it's a plane!"
Why do I look nervous when I enter the church? Is it just because I'm the only one with the bomb?
My sister bet me $100 that it was impossible for me to build a working car out of spaghetti. You should have seen her face as I drove pasta
Someone in my class yelled "Jenga!" while watching a documentary about the Twin Towers.
"Hey, look, that plane is getting bigge-"
Who is the fastest reader? 9/11, it went through 10 stories in 7 seconds.
Are you a building because I rate you a 9/11?
Why were the Twin Towers mad when they ordered pizza?
One arrived plain, one came in late, one went to the wrong address, and the other one never came.
What mistake did the manager of the Twin Towers make?
He replaced all the window cleaners with 2 commercial jets.
My wife told me I could never, ever build a car out of spaghetti. You should have seen the look on her face when I drove pasta!
- The emo went to give the tree a high five, but the emo was left hanging.
- How did the gay person die? Homicide.
- Why did the emo get kicked out of the amusement park? He was cutting in line.
- When does a joke turn into a dad joke? When it leaves and never comes back.
- I cried when my dad chopped onions. Onions was such a good dog.
- I have happy memories building sandcastles with my dad, until my mom took his urn away.
- How is the person over there different from cancer? His dad didn't beat cancer.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite type of transport?
This ain't a joke, but the Twin Towers said their favorite number is 911.
Why does Trump play Minecraft?
'Cause he can build walls.