the orphan tried to play baseball but he couldn't get home cause home doesn't exist for him
I met a baseball player , so I told him to make a home run , and he just looked at me with sadness I don't know why
By the way he was an orphan
whats the difference between a orphan and a baseball player ? the base ball player knows where home base is.
Trevor Bauer for President.
why are asians so bad at baseball.... because they ate the bat
Why are orphans bad at baseball?
Because they don't know where home is.
Why cant Orphans play baseball they cant find home plate
Why did the orphan get kicked out of baseball? They couldn't hit home base.
What is an orphans most hated baseball team. The Padres
An orphan walked up to a baseball field, but a security guard said he couldn't come in because it was a home game.
Why Orphans cant play Baseball? Cause they cant find thier Homebase.
Why cant a chines kid play baseball
-They ate the bat
Why cant orpahans play baseball? They can't run home.
Why donโt orphans play baseball?
They donโt know where home is.
why cant orphan play baseball they cant run home.
Why can't weapons play baseball
Because they need to get to homebase
What position would a man with no legs and arms play in baseball? Homebase
your a copycat from ballarat you smell like a rat, you wear a hat and you are shaped like a baseball bat.
song by john rizk
My boyfriend and i were playing baseball last night with some of our friends. Halfway through the game we took a break and he asked me to hold his balls for him whilst he went to the toilet. All our friends were shocked when i went into the boys bathroom with him.