Every body knows the joke why was 6 afraid of 7 because seven ate nine but why was 10 scared... because he was wright in the middle of 9 11
Wait till the end
Why was 6 afraid of 7 because 789
But Why was 10 scared because it was in the middle of 911
When we were kids, we used to be afraid of the dark.
But when we grew up, the electricity bill made us afraid of the light!
Why was 8 afraid of 7?
Because 7 was a 6 offender.
My neighbor has been mad at his wife for sunbathing nude. I personally am on the fence.
Yo momma decided to go to KFC until she realized she had to share with her family, so she bought ten buckets and the cashier said, "Here is the receipt." Now yo momma got afraid of how much money she had to spend, despiting on how she spent more than Drake's net worth that he can even lend. She went back home seeing her family looking at her and the KFC, thinking that could be her rent, but the whole family dug into the food. By the second they see the plates empty and seeing the lazy mom steady, she ate so much she wasn't ready until she fell, which caused an earthquake, which made her go to jail, which caused her to be scary.
What kind of club is every parent afraid of their kid joining?
The Mikey Jackson club.
How do you spell the name of the most dangerous pedophile?
Why were the twin towers afraid of the New York jets
Because they are afraid of the jet
What do you call 2 nudists in Africa?
Naked and Afraid.
Why is an orphan afraid to play baseball? They are afraid the won't find home.
Why is 19 afraid?
Because if you add 400 to it, it’ll be next to 420.
Why was Six afraid of Seven?
Because 7 was accused of the murder of 26 children.
Why is Joe Biden afraid of getting COVID?
Because he'd lose his sense of smell.
What do you call someone who’s afraid of breaststroke? Chicken breast.
"I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered."
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 murdered 37 children and 41 adults during the ages of 31-35 years old.
She was then sentenced to a 35 year sentence (Colombian stuff) and came out 70 years old. She then continued to go on a spree and murder 41 more people, in 2 months. 3 years later, 6 stabbed 7 as they were friends. 6 was not sentenced, but deemed a hero. He never forgets that moment. Her soul not floating above, but screaming from the torture it's receiving.
A "monster" that has 2 heads, 2 bodies, 6 feet, why am I not afraid of the "monster"? It's my dad riding a horse.
Two friends are in a hospital lobby. Friend 2 notices Friend 1 crying.
Friend 1: "*crying hysterically*"
Friend 2: "Why are you crying?"
Friend 1: "I came here for a blood test."
Friend 2: "So? Are you afraid?"
Friend 1: "No. For the blood test, they cut my finger."
Friend 2: "*crying hysterically*"
Friend 1: "Why are you crying?"
Friend 2: "I came here for a urine test."
Why did the snowman say Good day to the sun? Because it was afraid to melt away by the sun
Have you ever heard of the Russian politician who was so afraid of the dark that, instead of going to the bathroom at night, he would use a metal tin that he kept underneath his bed?
His name is Vladimir Pootin.