Chuck Norris sleeps with the light on, not because he is afraid of the darkness, but because the darkness is afraid of him.
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate nine
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Cuz 7 was a 6 Offender
Why is 5 afraid of 7? Because 6 7 8 -Yoda
Why is 1026 afraid of 1028?
Because 1028 1029.
Why was the cow afraid?
He was a cow herd.
Why is 8 afraid of 7?
'Cause 7 ate 9.
Why was three afraid of two? Because he killed everyone!
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 was a registered 6 offender.
Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate six, five!
Why was 9 afraid of 20?
Because 28, 29.
People who are afraid of pedophiles... need to grow up.
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9.