Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

13 people online

Why did the rapper take the bus to the studio?

Because their car ran out of RHYME

Yo mamma so fat when she steps on the scale it says, we want your weight not your phone number

I bought my fat wheelchair son a treadmill for his birthday, then that big brainless special motherfucker cried over it and threw a fit cuz his fat special ass couldnt get up out of his wheelchair, and said for Jesus to raise him up and give him working and movable legs.

I'd make a 9/11 joke, but it wouldn't fly anymore. And if I tried it would probably crash and burn. It just wouldn't help my comedy career take off.

if a tree could be any animal what would it be Answer: a dog bc of its bark lol😀

I used to be a baker, but I decided to quit my job, and stick my dough inside WOMEN’S bakeries

Doctor: "I'm sorry, but you suffer from a terminal illness and only have 10 to live." Patient: "What do you mean 10? 10 what? months? weeks?" Doctor: "9, 8, 7..."

A buddy and I checked out some books from a local library, when we returned them he said “your sister works the returns right” I told him “yes she does and she will be here in about five minutes”. He said “ why don’t we put a cook book in the women’s sports section” I told him “I love it” so I picked out a Reese Witherspoon book.