Yo mama is so fat that you should really take care of her because diabetes is a serious problem and she might die.
Yo mama so fat that when she sits down, the earth falls out of the Solar System.
Yo mama got a daughter in a relationship and I don't have time for you asap daughter daughter or your mother or your call or your choice of choice
Yo mama so fat that she should be worried for her health and go see a doctor.
Yo mama is so ugly, she makes the devil read the Bible.
Which sex position produces the ugliest children?
Go ask your mother.
Yo mama so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a refund.
Yo mama is so ugly, she walked into a haunted house and walked out with a job application.
Yo mama so poor, the ducks throw bread at her.
Yo mama so fat, when she goes to the beach, the people shout, "Free Willy!"
Yo mama so poor, she buys used food.
Yo mama was really the reason why the Titanic sunk.
Yo mama so fat, she has her own event horizon.
Yo mama so fat, her blood type is mayonnaise.
Yo mama is so nasty, she buys sex toys at the second-hand shop.
Yo mama so fat, she got baptized at SeaWorld.
Yo mama so fat, NASA has a satellite orbiting around her.
Yo mama so stupid she thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company.
Yo mama so poor, she can't even pay attention.
Yo mama so stupid, I told her Christmas was right around the corner--and she looked.