Yo mama so hairy, you almost died from a rug burn
Yo mama so fat, when she put on a yellow raincoat people see her and yell "Hey yo, taxi!"
yo mama went to safeway to be safe
The only people who do yo mama jokes wish they had a mom.
Yo mama so skinny, she choked on a SINGLE STRAND OF SPAGHETTI!
Yo mama is so fat she couldn't even fit through the rabbit hole at first because she ate like a damn pig last night when we had dinner.
How come yo mama did not come straight home from work last night? Because her daughter had sex with her boyfriend and got drunk.
yo mama so ugly she looked in the mirror and it broke
Yo mama is so fat that she is not wrong when she says the world revolves around her.
yo mama has such a big forehead she is the CEO of foreheads
Yo mama so poor, she makes her own hand sanatizer.
Yo mama is so fat she got locked in a weapon store and she broke it down with out any weapons.1
Yo mama so dumb, she stuck a battery up her butt and said, "I have the power."
Brother 2: We have these weird circles on the street! Government is tracking us!!!
Brother 1: They are just to sense cars so they can change lights. And it's the government.
Brother 2: Then why are there two in the left turn lane?
Brother 1: So one car isn't always going left and stopping the others.
Brother 2: Then why are they one car apart? Oh, to have three people going.
Brother 1: Correct. When I see one car on the first, I go on the second so my light changes.
Brother 2: You monster.
Brother 1: I wonder if they trigger by weight?
Brother 2: HA. Yo mama would trigger the sensor.
Brother 1: ARG. It's OUR MAMA you're disrespecting.
Mother (brother 1): What's going on boys? *looks in mirror* HOLY SH@& SHE IS PRETTY!
Brother 2: I think you should take your pills.
Brother 1: Found them.
*imaginary mother and brother fade away*
Thank you ELECTROBOOM for inspiring this joke/sh!t. Go subb to him.
Btw the (1) means it is just imaginary brother one acting like another brother.
Yo mama's so fat, a man has to bring climbing equipment to kiss her on the check
Yo moma so hairy that bigfoot dated her.
yo mama so fat that she broke your computer.
Yo mama so stupid, she made an appointment with Dr. Pepper.
Yo mama is so ugly, she makes the Flash stop dead in his tracks.
Yo mama so fat, she broke the stairs to heaven