Yo mama so fat, a picture of her would fall off the wall
Yo mama so fat that she had to wear a yellow jacket and everyone shouted taxi
Yo mama so OLD... Her first christmas... WAS the FIRST CHRISTMAS!
YO MAMA! Yo mama so FAT... i tried to picture her in my head... AND SHE BROKE MY GOD DAMN NECK!
Yo Mamas so fat, she even studied for the corona test.
yo mama so slow she took nine months to make the joke, thank god mine only took 6
Yo mama so fat, she made Fat Albert jealous!
yo mama so dumb when I told her my blind friend couldn’t see, she said “open yo eyes”
Yo mama so old, she got nostalgia for the Big Bang!
Yo mama so old, she witnessed Noah building the ark.
Yo mama so dumb, when I told her my friend was mute she said, “Can't you unmute her?”
Yo mama is so old, she is the founder of the pyramid of Egypt.
Yo mama so fat I bet if she farted, the whole Universe go Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-BOOM.
Yo mama so old, I bet she was born when dinosaurs were made, and also she killed them with they breath! 😭😭
Yo mama is so fat that people had to take pictures of her from space
Yo mama so ugly a rapist wouldn't even touch her with a barge pole.
Yo mama so stupid, she told the police a kid raped her.
Yo mama was so big she was iceberg that sunk the titanic
Yo mama so fat when she stepped on a monster truck she turned it into a lowrider.