To whoever stole my antidepressants, I hope you are happy now.
I don't struggle with self-harm, I do it everyday.
Is depression an emotion or a state of mind? I call it a lifestyle.
Brojobs are like air. It's not important until you don't have any.
So I meet with a therapist on a weekly basis. We talk about my depression and how it's been getting worse. Recently, I've been advised about my condition, and how I've been discussing with her about being suicidal. She's been very helpful throughout it. I was even told I can pay in advance from now on, so I don't have to worry about it later.
Will my suicidal thoughts leave me too if I get attached to them?
These jokes cheered me up from suicide. This is amazing material. God bless all of you.
I'm a Model. My doctor asked me to make an acronym for POST because I post pictures on Instagram.
(Trying to) P-ut O-ff Suicidal T-houghts
To the guy who stole my depression medication,
I hope you're happy.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Depression medicine and therapy.
Looks like depression got the best of me! Don’t worry, I’m already going under.
Teacher: "People with depression never get anywhere in life."
Student 1: "My mom has depression, but she died."
Student 2: "My sister has depression and she's going to therapy."
Student 3: "My dad has depression, and he's doing REALLY well."
Knock knock.
Who's there?
You'll fit right in along with Depression and anxiety, you can help keep me awake at night because Depression is struggling with that... Well now I can't cry myself to sleep anymore...
Unlike my syndrome, I keep my chin up. 🙌🏽😁
Happiness is like food, not everyone gets it.
Knock knock. Who's there? Depression. That's my best friend.
Whoever took my anti-depressant pills,
I hope you're fucking happy.
When I get suicidal, everyone worries. I don't know why because that is when I'm the happiest, thinking about death.
I started debating whether or not suicide is a good option. Self-harm just hasn’t been cutting it lately.
To whoever you are, you are loved.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
My life.
My life who?
My life is depressing...