What is a reverse exorcism? It is when the Devil tries to pull a priest out of a child.
My favorite toast for parties:
May I be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows I'm dead.
Three people died and went to Hell. One of them is from America, the second guy is from Germany, and the third guy is from Afghanistan. The devil lets each person make a phone call to their loved ones in the country they came from, but they will be charged. The American spends 10 minutes on the phone and is charged $20. The German spends 12 minutes on the phone and is charged $24. The man from Afghanistan spends half an hour on the phone and is charged nothing. The other two guys asked the devil why. The devil responded: "Local calls are free."
Your mom is so ugly, she made the devil go to church.
Have you heard of the new sequel to "The Exorcist"?
A woman hires the devil to get a priest out of her son.
Do you want to know what gifts God gave me?
He didn't give me any.
I was made by the Devil.
satan and the devil are alter egos
Ever heard of a reverse exorcism? It’s when the Devil tells the priest to exit the child’s body.
A normal exorcism is getting a demon out of a person but a reverse exorcism is the devil telling the priest to get out of the child
Why did Jesus create the Devil?
He didn't recognize himself through the time portal.
If Satan is the devil, he's pretty sus.
You are so ugly, when the devil saw you, he said, "Jesus Christ!"
What's the difference between a Catholic priest and the devil?
The devil always has horns... not just around children.
Chuck Norris once went to hell. After that the Devil only falls asleep after he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
a boy named jimmy was riding to hell to save his brothers and sister that is the last plase he pist there came a cross the devil part 1
Yo mama is so ugly, she makes the devil read the Bible.
Your mama is so ugly, she makes the devil cry.
Yo momma so ugly the Devil started going to church
To Drew the Devil,
We NEED to talk RN. I'm very mad at you, and we need to talk.
Angry Alex
What is the difference between Jesus and the devil?
When the devil came to Earth, he was the one with the nail gun.