
Taken Jokes

Why did the parachute break up with the skydiver?

Because it was tired of being taken for granted every time things fell apart.

Dating in your 30s is like looking for a parking spot...... The good ones are all taken. The rest are either handicapped or too far away.

A guy is on trial for leading a mob to gang rape a woman he'd taken out for a date. His defense is that he was helping her live out a fantasy. The DA is furious and asks him WTF gave him that idea. He said, "After the date I took her back to her house, pulled out my dick, and tried to hand it to her. She told me, 'You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Seriously, go get some help!"

Why are feminist rape claims never taken seriously? Nobody wants to rape fat, fairy gorillas.

get a calculator. ok anyways sally has 69 bottles of boobs (because she is a cannibal that collects boobs)and her friend said it was 222 many,she got caught by the police and was taken to 51 street.she got arrested for x8 days,so she was BOOBLESS

Hey, I know this is a classic joke but I found it pretty funny!

"My name is 4, four like the number", my friend - "What, was 1 2 3 taken?"

I can even with it but I was bored and decided to share this x

A man comes to an assassin who charges $1000 per shot he tell the assassin my wife’s been cheating on me I want you to shoot her in the head and shoot the guy in the dick, when they arrive they wait the man asks why he hasn’t taken the shot the assassin says I know how I can save you $1000