I wish Stephen Hawking could've just walke- oh wait nevermind
What do you call Stephen Hawking on fire?
Hot wheels.
Is Stephen Hawking under warranty? If so, can I bring him back to Currys PC World?
What were Stephen Hawking's last words? "System failure."
What's the difference between Madlen Makan and Stephen Hawking?
Nothing, they're both dead.
im doing something Stephen hawkings cant do.......pressing 'im not a robot'
Why did Stephen hawking die? His wife forgot to plug his wheelchair into the wall
Stephen Hawking is so lucky to go to heaven.
Oh never mind, here comes the stairway.
What does Stephen Hawking say after sex? That was wheely good.
Do you think Stephen Hawkins could ever plug his Instagram or anything
Just a joke: When Stephen Hawking fell over and hurt his leg, his dad said, "It'll get better, just walk it off!"
Did you know Stephen Hawking died in a game? The game was Happy Wheels.
Where did Stephen Hawking go after he died?
FNAF Sister Location.
You wanna know why Stephen Hawking isnt going to heaven? Because it's a stairway not a ramp
Q: Why can’t Stephen hawking go to the countryside A: there’s no signal
its so sad that Stephen hawkings cant stand up for himself
Why was Stephen Hawking always bullied?
Because he couldn’t stand up for himself.
What was the one test Stephen Hawking couldn't pass? The beep test.
Why did Stephen Hawking die? ... Because he pressed "shut down" instead of "sleep."
What has two arms and two legs but can’t walk or run?
Stephen Hawking.