
South Jokes

A TikTok I saw: "I'm in Canada, I'm in the United States!" Most people: "I'm in South Korea, I'm in Nor- *boom*" Me: "I'm in Palestine, I'm in Is... this heaven?"

*Insert me starting a war in the comments*

Hi there! My name is Michael Grover, and I am an explorer. Ever since I’ve been little, I’ve loved searching for new things. As a baby, my parents kept finding me in nooks and crannies around the house. “On the search” as they would say. By the age of 5, I had been to every continent on the planet, barring Antarctica. For my 12th birthday, my parents got me diving lessons, and by the time I was 13, I could scuba dive to a depth of 40 meters, as well as go cave diving. I got a pilot’s license by the age of 17, and I learned to sail just before my 18th birthday. Instead of going to university, I decided to travel around South America, exploring its rich jungles and beautiful landscapes. During my trip, I met my now wife who was also an explorer. For our honeymoon, we sailed around the Caribbean and we discovered 3 new islands which we named after the cats that I had growing up. Over the course of my life, I have come across great treasures and wondrous experiences. But in all my life, and in all my travels, I’m afraid I have never come across a single person who cared about what you just said.


NORTH INDIANS: Decent, but overrated af. They are the only thing that comes to many ppl's minds when someone says "Indian" SOUTH INDIANS: Decent, but underrated af. Many ppl dont even know they exist. They are literally asked if they are North Indians WEST AND EAST: Decent but underrated af.

once i was in south korea doing stand up comedy ... and i started with a "hidden" joke and i said: i'm so happy to be here in one of the most beautiful korea in the world ..... which is a good joke but they didn't get it .. and they looked at me badly ... so I said I'm here in the south which is more beautiful .... sud good, north booooooo. but still nothing, they kept glaring at me ... then I realized that maybe I was in the wrong Korea