why do orphan have water in cereal
bc mom was never around to produce milk
why did 10 run away..
now its 8,9/11
wassup? (DYM 109)
Why cant orphans go on vacation
The last time they did they fell in the toilet and had no one to help them out UgH
me: i have a arrow in my head
my friend: whats the point of that
me: of the arrow
friend: NO
But he could only get 1 trade
your future
Q.Why did the cow cross the road A.Because he/she wanted to watch the moooovie
Errrrrrrrrr my spine doesn't work.
"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
ME: when I saw an orphan on the street in rags also me: are u okay orphan: yeah what gave it way ME: because you have no family