I got a part in a movie called "Cocaine." I only have one line.
Did you know Paul Walker was a method actor? He took his role very seriously as a human torch.
I am your leader.
Your hairline is so bad when you need a role model who has been having a tough life, you go to your barber.
Stephen Hawking is just in a role play. He died to a crash in Minecraft.
wo(man) fe(male) we(men)
Stephen was a mad role model. He never taught me to stand up for myself.
Women should be allowed to choose: dishes or cooking first.
Women should have the right to choose whether they want to do cooking or cleaning first.
Ya make 10 paintings, you aren't an artist.
Ya make 20 meals, you aren't a chef.
But when I kill ONE PERSON, I'm a "horrible person" and a "menace to society."
What's a rapist's fav position?
Missionary in a dark corner.
Hailey: "Hey Brayden!"
Brayden: "Hey!"
*Music roles around*
*I tell Brayden Hailey likes him*
Brayden: "O_O"
Hailey: *Hides*
So sad </3 xD
In chess, why does the queen have more mobility than the king?
Because the chessboard looks like a kitchen floor.
I respect woman’s choices... either she wants to cook first, then clean, or she wants to clean first, then cook.
I hate when my father doesn't cook me cocktails for tea.
What is an orphan's role model?
Why do Orphans love role play's? because they can call someone daddy
Men built civilisations. Men went to the moon. Men invented the modern comforts of today’s society.
Women did none of those. They are useless, only fit to be baby making machines.
Women be like, "Porn is how we get money," then get angry when boys treat women like shit because they seen it on porn.
Women be like don't tell me what to wear, proceeds to tell men what to wear.