
Role Jokes

Ya make 10 paintings, you aren't an artist.

Ya make 20 meals, you aren't a chef.

But when I kill ONE PERSON, I'm a "horrible person" and a "menace to society."

Hailey: "Hey Brayden!"

Brayden: "Hey!"

*Music roles around*

*I tell Brayden Hailey likes him*

Brayden: "O_O"

Hailey: *Hides*

So sad </3 xD

In chess, why does the queen have more mobility than the king?

Because the chessboard looks like a kitchen floor.

I respect woman’s choices... either she wants to cook first, then clean, or she wants to clean first, then cook.

Men built civilisations. Men went to the moon. Men invented the modern comforts of today’s society.

Women did none of those. They are useless, only fit to be baby making machines.

Women be like, "Porn is how we get money," then get angry when boys treat women like shit because they seen it on porn.