What do you call it when Panera bread decapitates someone Panera behead
What do you call it when someone lies to Panera bread Panera misled
What do you call it when you choose Panera Bread over something else?
Panera instead.
What do you call it when Panera bread commits genocide Panera bloodshed
What do you call it when Panera bread goes goes to space Good question
What do you call it when your dead because of that one drink in Panera bread? Panera dead
I have returned, anyways what do you call it when your actually in Panera bread, being in Panera bread!
what do you call an angry panera bread panera slapped
what kind of panera bread do fishers use panera bait
what do you call a stuck panera bread panera wedged
what do you call a living panera bread panera breath
what do you call an injured panera bread panera bled
what kind of panera bread do pencils use panera lead
what do you call a panera bread after vanishing panera fade
what do you call a panera bread marking a test panera grade
What do you call Panera bread that has been weathered and eventually gathered and via cementation and pressure it becomes a layer of different materials and is also one of the most common types of rock in the sea?? Panera sed.
what do you call a Panera bread you write with? Panera lead
Ok guys, I have one last joke (for now).
What do you call it when Panera is over?
Panera end.
What do you call a fast panera bread?
panera sped
What is is called when you talk in panera bread
Panera said