
Orphanage Jokes

last night i burned down an orphanage there was one survivor who said i would regret it i said "what are you gonna do, tell your parents?"

FRIEND no so much " Hey wan to come to my house ?" sended lonly ORPHAN/ trump " want to come to my orphaige? sended

FRIEND not so much " dude im blocking you!" sended

Lonly orphan " :( sended

Remember kids, when you're angry, burn down an orphanage. Then they'll really be living the hard knock life.

Whenever I’m bored, I hit up my local orphanage and beat some of them up. I mean honestly, what are they going to do tell there parents? 😂😂

How many orphans does it take to "test drive" a bus? It depends on how much space the orphanage has and how much space the cemmetary has.


Girl: "Come over." Orphan: "I can't." Girl: "My parents aren't home ;)" Orphan: "Oh cool, something we have in common."

Dad: "I'm giving all your toys to the orphanage."

Kid: "Why are you doing that?"

Dad: "So you won't get bored there."

There was this intern that worked at an orphanage and she burnt it down luckily she don't have to tell there parents