Person 1: How many people has Michael Jackson fingered?
Person 2: dunno what’s the minor population?
Person 1: How many people has Michael Jackson fingered?
Person 2: dunno what’s the minor population?
What does an armed bank robbery and Michael Jackson have in common?
Someone gets hurt
What does Michael Jackson and Jeffery Dahmer have in common?
They both enjoy kids company.
What is Michael Jackson's favorite drink? tea-hee-hee
What is fully grown but can fit through small objects? Michael Jackson
Why didn't Michael Jackson date 25 year olds?
Because there were only 20 of them
What does Michael Jackson do with his meat? "Just beat it". His song btw lol.
What is michael Jackson's favorite instrument, a small skin flute
Why does Michael Jackson like to play ping pong or table tennis? He likes to play with the little balls.
Why does Michael Jackson like Doge Miner? He thinks it's about minors dressed in doge costumes.
Person 1: Goodness, when is Michael Jackson going to stop eating these white chocolate truffles? He is already making a goddamn mess on his bed eating a few of them.
Person 2: Well, he cannot resist the little white balls.
Michael Jackson broke his window what dose he say? i cant sehe
what does michael jackson get hicgh on? A LITTLE CRACK
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a shopping bag
One is made of plastic and bad for kids the other one holds shopping
whats michael jacksons favorite drug? CRACK
Why does Michael Jackson like Chef Boyardee? He likes the little balls.
What is michael Jackson's favorite thing to eat from? Children's menu
Given that it's a major guarantee that little boys underwear will be half off at Kmart thanks to the blue light specials, now you know why Michael Jackson likes to loiter around the store all day long.
Why did Michael Jackson love melted chocolate? Because he could pour it on his cock then get a prepubescent boy to suck it off