What do you call two female lovers spying on the government?
What do you call two female lovers spying on the government?
Why are Asians good at math? Because the dog can’t eat their homework
What does the initials CIA stand for? Central Intelligence of Assholes
President Joesph Biden said during the first presidential debate of the 2024 presidential election that he does not debate as well as he used to, Mr. Biden also can't think as well as he used to either but then again when Mr. Biden was a United States senator in the state of Deleware he never could think because thinking was never one of his strengths and that is the reason why Mr. Biden became President Obama's vice president in the first place oh well that's politics
Which of these are the smartest also list them to , is it autism, down syndrome or ADHD
Why do asses make terrible spies?
Because they always CRACK under pressure
If stupidity was a superpower, BLESSEDBRIAN would be a MARVEL CHARACTER
If BlessedBrian were ANY LESS intelligent, he’d have to be WATERED twice a week
What’s the difference between me and Glow In The Dark Intelligent Putty? The putty’s intelligent!
Whats the difference between a school in Pakistan and an Al Qaeda base?
Not too sure. I just fly the drone.
What do you call a blonde who's dyed her hair brunette?
Artificial intelligence
Why do Asians excel at math? Because their dog can never eat their homework
Why did the AI go to school? To upgrade from "Artificially Intelligent" to "Artificially Hilarious"! Ha Ha Ha. It is so funny. I hope you enjoy fellow humans.
If James Bond is the most famous spy, wouldn't that also make him the worst spy?