Trump is Putin America first hahahaha
Why do pirates pirates? Because they Arrrrrrrrrgggghhh! hahahahahahahahaha!
E SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA this is why I dont have friends:(
People say dogs are like their owners. So true. My dog keeps on running into the street as if she doesn't care about her life. I don't care about her life either hahahaha!!;)
In China just when you think you know everything....then boooom. A gay chicken....hahahaha
Why was Santa Santa ? Because it was Santa Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂
How do u throw a space party?
You plan-et hahahaha get it?
More cops died from covid than anything else last year hahahaha
They should have shot covid instead of Tyrone on the microphone lmfao
Now their owner is dying HAHAHAHA