Why did Susie fall off the swing?
Because she didn't have any arms.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Not Susie.
When Stephen Hawkins died he saw the stareway to heaven. He thought to himself oh god this is awkward
Steven Hawkins didn’t die naturally, his carer just forgot to put him on charge
Never invest in funerals. It's a dying industry.
What did Stephen hawkings computer say when he died ?? .... ERROR
Sucks Stephen Hawking died so soon, the new Intel update just came out.
I was both shocked and amazed to hear Stephen Hawking kicked the bucket.
Stephen Hawkins died crossing the road, he was hit by a Universal Serial Bus.
Stephen Hawkins died because his wife misunderstood him when he said "My Windows Needs Updating" she had the double glazing removed and he fell out and died.
What noise does Steven hawkings make when he dies? Windows shutting down theme tune
How dd Stephen hawking die
He had a computer virus!
I heard the man who invented Autocorrect died; may he wrist in peach.
You know every time we think of sex an angel dies.
We ran out of dead people hundreds of years ago.
Please no kill