I saw my sisters masturbating with a cucumbers and hotdogs. I said "Come on that I was gonna eat that later! Now it's just gonna taste like a hotdogs and cucumbers!
Riddle me this, Batman, what's long, round, and has cum in the middle?
Batman: A dick.
Riddler: NO NO NOOO! It's a cucumber!
What's the definition of suspicious?...
A nun doing sit-ups in a cucumber field. 💀
What do you call a cut cucumber?
A guy with no legs.
My neighbor has been mad at his wife for sunbathing nude. I personally am on the fence.
My Penis is big and long what else is... my condom.....cucumber🥒🥒🥒🥜🖕🤬
What is the only thing lesbians now how to grow? Cucumbers
What is long, hard and has cum in it? CuCUMber.
What is a 3 letter word that starts with S ends with X and has a vowel? SiX
Today i went to get a sub and they asked me if i wanted all vegetables.. I said no, leave some for the rest of the customers.
A woman went into her garden and danced in front of her vegetables. The next morning, her corn didn’t grow, and the tomatoes didn’t blush or turn red, but the cucumbers grew four inches.
What is an orange cucumber?
A carrot, duh!
What’s a green cucumber....... A carrot
What is long, hard, and has cum in it?
A cucumber.
A boy walks into class with a shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. The teacher says, "Where have you been?" The boy says, "On a peach hill."
Another boy walks in with a shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. The teacher says, "Where have you been?" The boy says, "On a peach hill."
Then a girl walks in, and the teacher says, "And where on earth have you been?" The girl says, "Well, you see..." Then the teacher stops her and says, "Let me guess, on a peach hill?" The girl says, "No, on 2 big cucumbers."
What kind of veggie is always getting itself into a hard situation?
A pickle.
What did the cucumber say to the bell pepper that wasn't wearing enough clothes?
You need more dressing.
Why did the cucumber go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling well!
Pickled carrots.
When I am getting bore, I hold a banana start shaking suddenly it gives out juice after a few min I get excited ohhhhhhj.... Try with a cucumber
What’s the difference between hungry and horny?
Where you put the cucumber 🥒