
Ching Jokes

i have fuck and sex with all the sexy naked ladies and they suck my balls (penis) but you aint have no girl friend your only friend yhey call him ching chong coz of your hairrline

Why were parts of the soviet union that had more industry than agriculture occupied during WW2? They couldn't beet the Nazis. bud um ching

For a while lead was used in pencils but ... we realised that it might not have been the smartest idea because it lead (badoom ching) to some people getting lead poisoning.

Ever wonder why pandas are endangered? Well, China's overcrowded, and therefore they're starving. They have to eat...

Panda: "My god. They're coming! Run! They're hungry! Run! Roll down the hill!"

Chinese People At Bottom Of Mountain With Spears: "Ching chong wing bong KABOB!!!"